Peter Richardsons North West Wales - Property details

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Cleveland Crescent, Holyhead, LL65 3 bedroom end terraced house To Let in Holyhead

£750 P.C.M

1 reception, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom.

Council Tax Band : Ask Agent
Council Tax Exempt : No
Estate Fee : Ask Agent
Building Insurance : Ask Agent

Property reference: HEO-1HJ012BF44U
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Quick Facts

  • Mains Supply
  • Mains Supply


  • No
  • No
Required Access
  • No
Rights Of Way
  • No


Flooded In Last Five Years
  • No
Flood Defences
  • No

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Rental features

  • Managed Letting

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More information

The graph shows the current stated energy efficiency for this property.

The higher the rating the lower your fuel bills are likely to be.

The potential rating shows the effect of undertaking the recommendations in the EPC document.

The average energy efficiency rating for a dwelling in England and Wales is band D (rating 60).

Current rating 52
Potential rating 65

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